NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NCS4 Partners with NVision for HazNet

February 4, 2010 - HATTIESBURG, Miss.

Preparedness and testing remain important elements of the ongoing work underway at the National Center for Spectator Sports Safety and Security (NCS4) at The University of Southern Mississippi.

To achieve the highest results, NCS4 continues to form partnerships with leaders in innovative technology such as the agreement made recently with NVision Solutions Inc., of Bay Saint Louis, Miss.

NVision, winner of the "2009 Mississippi Company to Watch," focuses on three complimentary technical areas: geographic information services and application development; remote sensing services and application development and spatial database development and integration.

As part of a computer program designed to simulate potential threats at sports stadiums, NCS4 Director of Programming Jim McGee created a series of table-top exercises that would be used to test evacuation and response procedures. Thanks to a software developed by NVision called HAZNET, the table-top exercises can be sufficiently launched and analyzed.

"NVision provides a state-of-the-art delivery system for NCS4," said McGee. "NVision's services will enable the table-top exercise experience to include cutting-edge technologies which ultimately make the spectator sport environment safer for everyone."

Craig Harvey, executive vice-president at NVision, said working with subject matter experts at NCS4 provides a broader and deeper understanding of the needs relative to sports stadium venues and other larger venues as well.

Harvey applauds the comprehensive commitment NCS4 has made to keeping spectators safe at sporting events nationwide.

"This is a very real threat and one of the areas where we, as citizens, are most exposed," said Harvey. "NCS4 is working diligently every day to reduce the risk to sports fans and we at NVision are proud to be affiliated with a center dedicated to that mission."

For more information about NVision visit www.nvs-inc.com. To learn more about NCS4, go to www.NCS4.com

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