NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NASA Selects NVision for Stennis EOC Group Award

September 28, 2009 - Stennis Space Center, Miss.

NASA recognized NVision as part of the Group Achievement Award presented by Stennis Space Center Director Gene Goldman to the NASA Stennis Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Implementation Team on September 21, 2009.  NASA selected the NVision "All-Hazards Network" or HazNet as a real-time common operating picture for Stennis emergency operations.

The following statement is NASA's official justification for the award.

"The EOC at Stennis Space Center represents a quantum leap forward in NASA's emergency operations and response capabilities, enabling critical integration of the medical clinic, fire department, security services, energy management control system and incident command post all in one location.  Many on the Center aided in the design and construction of the facility as well as in the implementation of the advanced technology that has been incorporated into this facility, but there were a dedicated few that stand out in the development of this state-of-the-art facility.  Some were involved in the resilient design and construction of this hardened structure, with LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification anticipated in the very near future.  Others brought new technology and decision support tools into the EOC that allow, for the first time, a full complement of geographic and building information, modeling tools for wind and surge potentials, a multi-faceted weather monitoring system, alternate communication systems, and a new emergency management software system designed for Stennis Space Center that is now going to be deployed to all NASA Centers in 2010.  Readiness for weahter related emergencies, with the capabilities now found in this new Center, have allowed Stennis Space Center to be recognized by the National Weather Service as a StormReady Community.  Stennis has joined a group of only 11 government sites to achieve this status.  This consolidation of services will also allow for better quality of life services to the entire Stennis Space Center community with upgraded medical equipment and facilities, fire services and enhanced protective services fro the workforce.  The EOC has been successful because of the outstanding partnerships between the contractor and NASA workforce at Stenis Space Center and is an excellent example of what efforts the Group Achievement Award recognizes."

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