NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NASA Stennis ITS Incumbent Outreach

September 6, 2009 - Stennis Tech Park, Bay Saint Louis, Miss.
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NVision Solutions is competing as a prime for the NASA Stennis ITS Contract.  The NVision ITS Team hosted an open house from 3-7 p.m. on Thu., Sep. 3, 2009 at our corporate office at the Stennis Tech Park, Suite 302, at Exit 13 North on I-10.

The event was open to all incumbent personnel interested in our transition plan.  The open house was a success and we appreciate everyone who came to talk about the upcomcing changes at Stennis.

If you were unable to come to the open house on Thursday and are an ITS incumbent we still encourage you to contact us before the ITS proposal deadline of of Wednesday, September 9th.

Please call 228-242-0015 or 228-242-0014

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