NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NVision Solutions Builds MississippiView Mirror

January 11, 2003 - Stennis Space Center NVision Solutions Inc. created a mirror of the MississippiView project under a contract with the Mississippi Space Commerce Initiative (MSCI) which hosts Landsat 7 satellite data for the entire state for research use as well as IRS 1-C satellite imagery for online viewing. The mirror server hosts approximately 800 Gigabytes of satellite data which will act as a backup to the current MississippiView Web site available at http://msview.spacecommerce.com. MARIS (Mississippi Automated Resource Information System) will host the mirror server at their headquarters in Jackson, Miss. The original MississippiView server resides at the MSCI's NASA John C. Stennis Space Center office in South Mississippi. << Back to News Archive