NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NVision Employees Receive Performance Achievement Awards from CSC

June 6, 2013 - Bay St. Louis
CSC Program Manager, Toby Young, presenting award to Barry McArthur
Lori Moran receiving award from Toby Young, CSC Program Manager

NVision Solutions, Inc. employees, Lori Moran and Barry McArthur, were awarded performance achievement certificates on Wednesday, June 5, 2013 from CSC.  Lori and Barry were recognized by CSC for their efforts during the contract transition period at the NOAA Data Buoy Center.

The certificates stated:

"CSC would like to thank [Barry and Lori] for [their] valuable assistance during the NTSC property transition... [Their] level of professionalism and commitment to success is a perfect example of NVision's commitment to the success of the NDBC mission."

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