NVision Solutions, Inc. Geographic Information Solutions

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NVision Is Active in Oil Spill Response on Multiple Fronts

June 25, 2010 - Bay St. Louis, MS
NVision's Jerry Beaugez and EOC Director Brian Adam discuss the oil extent. © BP p.l.c.
Hancock County's HazNet showing field-collected photos
NAVOCEANO Glider Operations daily product

NVision Solutions, Inc. (NVision) is currently supporting multiple organizations in their oil spill response efforts.  At the Hancock County Emergency Operations Center (EOC), NVision's State and Local Government Liaison, Jerry Beaugez, acts as the Public Information Officer.  NVision also provides GIS and mapping support to the EOC, creating products to depict oil boom status and locations, the current oil spill extent, and incident tracking through HazNet, NVision's web-based common-operating picture.

NVision's Jerry Beaugez and EOC Director Brian Adam discuss the oil extent. © BP p.l.c. Hancock County's HazNet showing field-collected photos

NVision works with the Mississippi National Guard (MSNG) in Gulfport, MS.  NVision software developers are embedded in the MSNG office, directly supporting their intelligence operations by producing map series for field operations, GIS analyses for resource allocation, and integrating field collected data into their HazNet system.

MS National Guard overview map MS National Guard - oil map product sample

At the Deepwater Horizon Unified Command in Mobile, AL, NVision works with the EPA supporting air and water quality monitoring and sampling.  Tasks include tracking incoming oil odor reports by mapping their locations and dispatching monitoring teams, predicting monitoring and sampling locations based on wind speed, direction, and oil extent, and on-demand mapping support for command centers.

Mobile Unified Command personnel © BP p.l.c.

NVision personnel at the U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO) Glider Operations Center at the NASA Stennis Space Center collect data to improve oil spill scientific models.  The glider pilots are working 24/7 to remotely control 2 gliders located in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) for detecting water column anomalies.  These readings measure the amount of fresh water entering the GOM as well as seeing spikes in readings, indicating potential underwater oil plume variables.

NAVOCEANO Glider Operations product NAVOCEANO Glider Operations product

At the U.S. Department of the Interior Minerals Management Service (MMS) office in New Orleans, LA, NVision creates oil spill maps depicting the oil spread relative to other MMS data sets.  The oil spill layers are built from satellite data.

NVision also developed an iPhone application for Oil Spill Response.  The application is free and available for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices.  Users can take oil-related pictures, enter relevant information, and upload them to our web mapping interface.  Using the built-in GPS of the devices, the pictures and information are displayed on the map.  For more information on the application, visit the iTunes website for the NVision Oil Spill Response application.


Oil Spill Response application information page Screenshot of the Oil Spill Response application by NVision Solutions, Inc.


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